Farewell to a Champion and Friend
Former Musqueam Chief Ernest ‘Ernie’ Campbell passed away and was mourned by the communities of Musqueam, UBC, Vancouver, the province of British Columbia and Canada. As a former boxing champion (Golden Gloves, Silver Gloves and Buckskin Gloves), Campbell went on to become a powerful advocate for BC First Nations and was beloved by many. For more than 20 years, Campbell served as chief of Musqueam; the First Nation’s traditional territories include Vancouver and UBC. As remembered by community member Mary Point: “He stood up for us, he drove our children to school, he loved us, and we loved him right back. Prayers, love, and strength for those he leaves behind… we are here for you. R.I.P. Chief Ernie Campbell hay čχʷ q̓ə, səy̓əm̓.”
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